Since I was young,

Being a second generation of immigrant parents, there are statuses to uphold that aren’t the easiest to navigate. My love for acting and music have essentially became my eyes in this world to guide me and live vicariously through the art that I show the world whether that be a play or a song. I was tired of being comfortable and not pushing myself in this world. When creating art I have found that I can break boundaries that I thought I wasn’t capable of. I do what I do for my loved ones and myself. It has brought me to new and elevated places. I go to sleep now knowing my purpose and the people that love me for it.

I have always struggled with mental health and I find myself clinging to certain parts of my life that keep me comfortable instead of moving forward. I have had a dream of being an actor and a professional musician for as long as I can remember but I was too afraid to go for it. In the fall of 2020 I took an acting one class and I realized that it was everything I had ever wished and hoped for in my life. It gave me a sense of purpose, a sense of love, a sense of life, a true meaning to life, etc.


I have aspirations to win awards and walk red carpets but it is not why I do what I do. Dreaming is what I do to get by so in a sense the thought of holding an Emmy and giving a speech to multitudes does help me live. I show my art, my dreams, tell my stories so hispanic youth know anything is possible.
